POV-Ray basically aims at renderering 1 image.
By using algorithms based on an external Clock value however, it is possible to generate a series of images with gradually changing values for any parameter (location, translation, transformation, even texturing).
Although this allows you to ultimately render an animated movie, integration of the Clock value in your algorithms is no piece of cake.
Chris Colefax developed an excellent Automatic Clock Modifier macro, consisting of macros that allow you to accelerate, decelerate, S-curve, triangle, bounce, jump, oscillate, wave and recoil.
David Godoni developed an excellent Timeline System, allowing you to break a longer animation in segments, which makes everything much easier to control.
David Godoni also developed a Particle Animation System, allowing you to generate and control particles that can be used to create such goodies as water, fire, smoke and explosions.
I integrated Chris Colefax's Automatic Clock Modifier into David Godoni's Timeline and Particle Animation System: easy scene definition and control combined with natural movement modifiers.
I am working on the documentation.